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Subsidized Child Care

Your Kids Place works closely with the Colorado Department of Human Services to continue to provide quality, affordable child care to low income families through the Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). Please refer to the CCAP Client and Provider Agreement for more information regarding requirements and expectations.

The CCAP program provides child care assistance to families that are working, searching for employment or are in training, and families that are enrolled in the Colorado Works Program and need child care services to support their efforts toward self-sufficiency.

Contact the County Department of Social/Human Services of the county you live in to apply for child care assistance. You must fill out an application for child care services and provide information about your family including immunization information, income and your work or school program. Verification in the form of an Authorization Letter is required prior to receiving service under benefits with Your kids Place.


If you are planning on using our program under CDHS-CCAP, please review the following requirements!


  • An Active Authorization for the specific location​ your child will be attending is required. License number and address information is available under the “schools” tab.  


  • Authorization Limits. If you choose to continue to use our services which fall outside of your authorized limits (dates/sessions), you are responsible for the cost. We recommend you contact your caseworker if your childcare schedule changes.  

  • Active CCAP Cards. We recommens that you use your CCAP cards daily. You will be held financially responsible for any dates that are not properly swiped for and approved. 

  • Monthly Parental Fees are due the 1st of each month. CDHS-CCAP determines all parental fee amounts. Your Kids Place cannot change or remove parental fees once the state issues these fees. 

  • Lost/Stolen/Damaged CCAP Cards? Please notify your county caseworker within 24 hours of loss. They will replace your card within 5-10 business days to allow for back swiping.


Please know that our on-site staff’s top priority is providing a safe and enriching program for your children. They will communicate any/missed denied swipes when they occur, however the responsibility is yours to ensure approved check ins and out occur! 


For any questions regarding CCAP or location information, please contact our CCAP specialist Lorraine Kess at (720)276-4620 or at

Jefferson, Adams, Boulder, and Douglas County
Child Care Assistance Program
Phone (303) 604-1043, extension 2828
Fax (720) 240-0008                                                                               


Denver County
Phone (720)944-KIDS (5437)
Fax (720)944-3330


Arapahoe County
ACHS- Child Care Assistance
Phone (303)636-1170
Fax (303)636-1426

We take CCCAP!

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7202764620 or

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